Stock #436815 - PHOENIX 367BH is a top-of-the-line fifth wheel that offers luxury and convenience for all your travel adventures!If you are in the market for a fifth wheel, look no further than this 2023 Phoenix 367BH, priced right at $75,600. Non-smoking and pet-free. This Fifth Wheel is located in Parrish, Florida and is in good condition.This is a brand new listing, just on the market this week. Please submit all reasonable offers.You have questions?... (read more)
Established in 2015, POP RVs is new to the RV marketplace and completely unique being the world's only online RV broker. While we have a short history in the RV space, we have a long and successful history selling online. Specifically, selling boats and yachts on visit our website POP Yachts has helped bring together buyers and sellers online since 2009 and we are very good at what we do. In the 8 years since visit our website was launched, we have established ourselves as the biggest boat and yacht brokerage in the world, selling over 1,500 units annually.... (read more)
Avoid Scams and Fraud - Potential areas of fraud: wire transfer, moneygrams, money orders, cashier checks, shipping, escrow, "transaction protection", "guarantee". Check out the Buyer Safety section for more info.